Few things define you like your smile. If you are looking for ways to enhance yours, professional teeth whitening is likely on your list. Dental professionals have the technology and experience to give you a better outcome than any home whitening kit. Consider some benefits of professional teeth whitening.
It’s a fair question because you can buy home products that promise to whiten your teeth. Professional teeth whitening provided by a cosmetic dentist allows for higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide for faster and cleaner teeth. Dentists will also use tools like a rubber dam to protect soft tissue in the mouth from chemical burns.
In addition, the dentist is likely to add a bit of technology to the mix for better results. Applying light from an LED, halogen, or UV source combined with concentrated peroxide provides sharper outcomes and more dental health benefits.
The goal in professional teeth whitening is the same as in anything your dentist does – better oral health. Dental science has changed over the last few decades. It is possible to keep your natural teeth for your entire life if you treat them right, including teeth whitening done by a professional. That will mean fewer cavities and a lower risk of periodontal disease.
Self-confidence is a driving force in everyone’s life. Having a whiter smile means letting your teeth shine proudly when you laugh and talk. You don’t have to feel self-conscious.
The dentist's whitening procedure removes stains caused by foods and drinks, such as coffee, and eliminates the natural yellowing of tooth enamel that comes with age. This combination will give you a smile you can share proudly.
The professional-grade products in a dentist's office penetrate deeper into the tooth enamel, lifting stains under the surface.
DIY home whitening kits only remove stains on the upper layers of enamel. That means the benefits last just a few weeks; professional whitening could last a year or more.
Having a professional do your whitening treatment means experienced hands are at work. Technicians go through training to learn how to apply the chemicals that whiten tooth enamel safely.
They also use professional tools to help protect your gums. For example, rubber dams are properly placed to ensure the most protection. Steady hands and professional tools will keep the bleaching agent off sensitive soft tissue.
Teeth whitening should not be a one-size-fits-all process. When done in the office, you have control over the shade of white for your teeth. You can pick something that works well with your skin tone and facial features. You want your teeth to look clean and natural, not glow in your mouth.
A dental professional has the expertise and training to help you choose the most appropriate shade of white. They also have the skill to apply chemicals to ensure you get what you expect.
Don’t waste your money on over-the-counter teeth whitening products. Origin Dental provides teeth whitening services using state-of-the-art tech and professional-grade bleaching chemicals. You can have the brilliant smile you’ve always wanted without the mess and expense of home-whitening kits.
Contact our office in San Diego today and schedule an appointment to learn more. Our dentists will walk you through the process and provide a custom-designed teeth whitening plan.